Wednesday, June 26, 2013

One of those damn fibro days

I have ZERO energy today.  My hands are so friggin' stiff and I need to make berry jelly today.  Sometimes the process of the day just wears you out:
get berries out of fridge, go sit down, go pick ripe berries, go sit down, feed Pookie (foster kitten), go sit down, get pots and pans out, go sit down and it goes on and on.

I do have good news however.  I saw my Rheumatologist yesterday and she did order a special x-ray of my knees.  She also put an injection in both my shoulder muscles.  Now, I wasn't too thrilled about this.  It's funny now, but it sure wasn't funny yesterday!

Doc:  Have we ever tried (garble garble)
Me:  What's that?
Doc:  Injections
Doc:  It won't hurt
Me:  NO NO
Doc:  (putting her hands on my shoulders and looking right at me)  C'mon, can't you let the big girl out today?
Me:  Today?  You want to do it today?
Doc:  Yes.  Now let your big girl out
Me:  How big are the needles?
Doc:  I'll show them to you  (leaves room and comes back, shows me the needle)
Me:  (voice cracking)  How much of that are you sticking in me?
Doc:  Just this much (very little)
Me:  (Sighs heavily) Ok
She starts to spray this cold stuff on the first shoulder
Me:  That's cold
Doc:  I'm numbing you
Me:  You are?
Doc:  Did you think I was just going to jam a needle in you?
Then she jams the needle in.
Me:  screaming OWWWW! as my left leg shoots straight out.  I thought you said you were numbing it?
Doc:  I did

Ha ha ha ha ha  She then did the other shoulder but I was at least ready for it.

I also told her how angry I've been since seeing the spine specialist and being told I wasn't a good surgical candidate.  I told her I couldn't stand this fibro shit.  Unlike some other folks, my doctor is very kind and compassionate.
I wish every fibro infected person to have such a doctor.  I hope your search is successful.  I can't imagine not having my Rheumatologist.

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